Sunday, October 2, 2011

culture marble sinks

 Did you know that cracked culture marble sinks can be repaired for about 100.00 per house call. Have two sinks? The second is free . Culture marble sinks often cracked we can repair and refinish the sink to match the color of the cultured marble. no one will know it has been repair and refinished but you. Additional sinks are 50.00 a piece on same house call.
                                                                                               Horn's Refinishing

1 comment:

  1. Culture marble counters look great Stone Flecked. Stone fleck is a finish with two to five colors that imitates granite. Durable enough to with stand a hammer dropping on it. 250.00 dollars is a great price to coat your bath or kitchen counter giving years of beutiful maintenace free (unlike granite) service for years to come.
